"It's about bringing our indigenous, naturally-maternal values - a maternal focus, to our methods of operation in a modern business context - to successfully support, sustain and grow communities, for the betterment of all."

The Matriarchal Business is about the implementation and the embodiment of historically proven indigenous systems that result in sustainability, longevity, and collective growth.

In a time of burnt businesspeople, gender pay gaps, glorified productivity and new age purpose-searching, the concept of looking to matrifocal and matriarchal systems that form the basis of many long-standing cultures – that are still present and thriving today – is a timely one. 

Bringing indigenous systems to the fore in a contemporary time and space, our innate roles (our mana, and specific knowledge and wisdom from our ancestors) get to express themselves as we serve our communities, often with “business” as a platform – a modern vehicle. 

The awareness of that important distinction, and moving forward with that intentionality is what we believe can change the trajectory and speed to which we return health and wealth in abundance to our communities – most importantly to black, indigenous and and women of color, their families, and future generations.

We are indigenizing our consulting work, our salespersonship, our teaching methods, our service to others, from real estate to chiropractic, corporate training to interior design, authoring, filmmaking, art, politics and activism. 

We are pulling from our ancestral knowledge and resources, and then adapting and evolving as we put them into action, as our ancestors have always done.

And it’s not about adding “specks” of indigenous wisdom to our otherwise colonial practices. It’s also not about “women ruling over men”, nor is it about feminism. (To be clear – feminism is a colonial concept – Matriarchy, however, and matrifocal systems are indigenous.) 

A Matriarchal way of business is a complete re-orienting, a re-centering…a system that is inclusive of and applicable to ALL people – to be supported by all, in the interest of the whole.

As the nature of the mother is to center her family and her community in all spaces and pursuits (and as it is the community’s nature to center HER) The Matriarchal Business is about showing up with our indigenous, naturally-maternal values in both our missions and daily operations in business – successfully supporting, sustaining and growing communities, for the betterment of all.


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***Upcoming Workshop Dates***:

TBD in 2022.

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